• CLIENT: Greenhouse Management
  • PUBLICATION: Greenhouse Management
  • PROJECT: Profile
  • INDUSTRY: Horticulture / Greenhouse
  • FEATURING: Dariusz Malinowski, PhD, Professor and Research Leader of the Forage and Ornamental Plants Breeding Program at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center
  • READ IT:COLORevolutionary

Dariusz Malinowski’s groundbreaking hibiscus breeding work began as a personal quest to bring more color into his own landscape. Looking for cultivars beyond the standard pink, red and white flowers, he spent several years hybridizing winter-hardy hibiscus at home before someone walked by his office at Texas A&M AgriLife Research and spotted pictures of his cutting-edge color palette.

This profile for Greenhouse Management Magazine’s Meet the Breeder series explores Malinowski’s quest for pioneering hibiscus hues of blue, magenta, silver, maroon and purple, with orange and yellow next on his radar.

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