• CLIENT: American College of Radiology
  • PUBLICATION: ACR Imaging 3.0
  • PROJECT: Case Study
  • INDUSTRY: Medical / Radiology
  • FEATURING: Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center leaders:
    • John M. Racadio, MD, director of interventional radiology innovation and research
    • Daniel von Allmen, MD, surgeon-in-chief and Lester W. Martin Chair of Pediatric Surgery
    • Kevin Gessner, vice president of operations and surgical services 
  • READ IT:Combining Insight and Incision

The new hybrid operating room (OR) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center signifies a bold collaboration between interventional radiologists and surgeons. Equipped with innovative technology, the hybrid OR blends imaging and surgical expertise, helping break down silos to deliver integrated care more safely and efficiently.

This case study for the American College of Radiology, as part of the ACR’s Imaging 3.0 initiative to highlight how radiologist-driven improvements are revolutionizing care, details how these two disciplines came together to treat patients better. 

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