“The only way to provide the best and most up-to-date care is constant education and commitment to lifelong learning.”
– Jamie Marko, MD, associate physician-in-chief,
ACR Institute for Radiologic Pathology


  • CLIENT: American College of Radiology
  • PROJECT: Article
  • INDUSTRY: Medical / Radiology
    • Lori Deitte, MD, FACR, chair of the ACR Commission on Publications and Lifelong Learning;
    • Brad Short, ACR vice president of governance and membership services; 
    • Mark D. Murphey, MD, FACR, physician-in-chief, ACR Institute for Radiologic Pathology (AIRP); 
    • Jamie Marko, MD, associate physician-in-chief, ACR Institute for Radiologic Pathology (AIRP); 
    • Anne Marie Pascoe, senior director, ACR Radiology Leadership Institute (RLI)
  • READ IT:A Century of Excellence

As medical technologies have advanced and healthcare systems have evolved over the past century, the American College of Radiology (ACR) has stayed on the forefront of radiological education. Committed to its mission of “empowering members to serve patients and society by advancing the practice and science of radiological care,” the ACR has distinguished itself as a world leader in radiology training.

This article for the ACR Bulletin, part of a special section celebrating the organization’s centennial, follows these training developments through the decades, from residency training programs to continuing education to the innovative Radiology Leadership Institute.

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